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Workplace conflict is on the rise. Recent research has found that 85% of managers and employees are experiencing conflict at work.

Stress, heavy workloads, uncertainty, personality clashes, and differences in personal values and backgrounds are all potential triggers for conflict that can involve team members, managers, customers and suppliers.

If you’re in a conflict situation at work, it can take a heavy toll. Your effectiveness as a manager will inevitably suffer, potentially impacting on the performance of your team and business. Your levels of stress will increase, leading to reduced wellness and eventually to exhaustion and even burnout. The long-term damage to working relationships that often results from workplace conflict can hold you and your business back for years.

Don’t let workplace conflict run you into the ground.

Book a Complimentary Consultation

with a member of Exalto’s coaching team to discuss how we can help you to minimise workplace conflict and to manage it effectively and constructively when it does occur.

Book A Complimentary Consultation Now

Exalto’s Harmony programme is designed to empower you to recognise potential sources of workplace conflict and defuse them before they blow up, and to be able to handle unavoidable conflicts confidently and effectively.

The result – enhanced personal wellbeing and performance for you, stronger, more positive and constructive working relationships within your team, and improved performance for your business.

The heart of the programme is a series of six 1-to-1 coaching sessions with a qualified, accredited Exalto coach who has particular expertise in the field of workplace conflict management. These sessions are structured using proven coaching and wellness models to empower you to deal effectively with workplace conflict.

It may also be agreed that one or more tests of disposition should form part of the programme. Disposition testing can be very useful to enhance self-awareness and reveal traits that may be helping or blocking a coaching client in moving forward, and as a foundation for wider conversations in the coaching process.

Our price (excluding VAT) for the individual Harmony programme is just €995.

This price includes all preparatory work by the coach before the programme and in advance of each session, and six 1-hour online 1-to-1 coaching sessions. It does not include disposition testing, which will be tailored to your individual requirements.

Further details and pricing for disposition testing can be found here.

Book a Complimentary Consultation

now with a member of Exalto’s coaching team to find out how Exalto’s Harmony programme can enhance your effectiveness and wellbeing and improve the performance of your business by empowering you to handle workplace conflict effectively.

Book A Complimentary Consultation Now