How We Work
At Exalto, we concentrate on business coaching, so we can be the very best at empowering our clients to achieve measurable results and to make changes to their way of working that are truly transformational.
We aren’t distracted by other activities or services – our single-minded focus is on defining the standard of excellence for business coaching.
Online coaching is one of our particular specialities. All our coaches have extensive experience and carry out the majority of their practice using online video conferencing channels.
In order to stay at the forefront of business coaching and deliver the best possible outcomes for our clients, we are constantly challenging ourselves to develop and enhance our capabilities by:
Enabling clients to measure and track their goal achievement
Learning from client feedback
Undertaking continuing professional development
Carrying out research into coaching methods, applications and outcomes.
Business Experience
Every one of Exalto’s coaches has real-world business and leadership experience and relevant professional qualifications, in addition to their coaching credentials and experience. This enables our coaches to understand and identify with clients’ challenges and to ask the right powerful questions to help them to move forward.
Coaching Philosophy
At Exalto, we coach because we want people in business to be both successful and fulfilled. Our coaching philosophy is based on seven core beliefs:
Everyone is capable of learning, making changes and performing better.
The client is the expert on his or her life, career or business.
Self-awareness, motivation and taking responsibility are key to achieving goals.
Doing something for yourself rather than being told what to do, or having it done for you, makes sustained success much more likely.
Coaching practice which is grounded in science and uses evidence-based techniques, methods and models, produces the best outcomes.
Having business goals which are aligned with personal values and purpose is the best foundation for long-term motivation and fulfilment.
A balanced, holistic approach which takes account of the client’s whole life, not just their work persona, allows physical and mental wellbeing and happiness to be sustained, even in very challenging work and business situations.
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Lets Work Together
Our Values
We have deeply held values which guide our decisions and behaviours and how we work with each other and our clients.

We are trustworthy and ethical in everything we do.
We empower our clients to create their ideal futures.
We make a real difference for our clients.
We support our clients to learn and develop.
We work to the highest standards of quality.
How We Work
Your coach will structure your sessions using a proven coaching model, to enable you to achieve the best results. An example is the GROW model, which was developed by Sir John Whitmore, who pioneered the application of coaching in business and organisational contexts.
Deciding on the right Goal is absolutely critical for sustained success. If your goal aligns with your personal values and purpose, you will be highly motivated and working towards it will give you a deep sense of fulfilment.
Your Exalto coach will help you to articulate and clarify your goal to ensure it is the right one for you, and will work with you to define it in SMART terms (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound).
If you’re working in an organisation, in addition to your personal values and purpose, the coach will ask you to consider the organisational context when setting your goal. This includes looking at the organisation’s values and mission, what is expected of you in your role and where you want to go in your career.
Having set a SMART Goal, your coach will help you to assess where you are now, in terms of, for example:
- How close you are to achieving your goal;
- Any obstacles that are standing in your way;
- Beliefs you might have which are holding you back;
- The personal strengths can you bring to bear to enable you to move forward;
- Other resources you could use that might help.
The “W” in the GROW model is about deciding on the Way Forward, in particular which options you choose and what actions you will take, and when, to move you towards your goal. It is also about being sure you have the Will to do it and that you are fully committed.
The model isn’t necessarily sequential. You may need to revisit and adjust your Goal after you have assessed the current Reality, or having looked at your Options.
Your Exalto coach will guide you through the process to the point where you know the Goal you have set and the Way Forward you have decided are right for you. Once you have reached this point, your coach will be there to support you as you implement your plan. This can include:
Acting as your Accountability Partner, to keep you focused and motivated;
Providing you with a safe space in which to “test” decisions or actions before you try them in real-life situations;
Facilitating learning and development from the actions you implement;
Enabling you to make adjustments to your plan as you move forward;
Measuring the extent to which you are progressing towards your SMART goal;
Tracking and celebrating your progress and the achievements you make along the way.