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Tests of Disposition are used to assess how a person is likely to react emotionally to situations and other people, the types of relationship they prefer to establish with others, and the motivational factors that influence their actions.

Disposition testing can be very useful to enhance self-awareness and reveal traits that may be helping or blocking a coaching client in moving forward, and as a foundation for wider conversations in the coaching process.

Exalto uses Psytech International, one of the world’s leading developers of psychometric tests and software, as our test provider. Clients complete the tests online, through Psytech’s Gene-sys portal.

The test results are then interpreted by an Exalto disposition testing specialist, and a report is prepared for the client. The Exalto specialist also carries out a 30-minute feedback session with the client, outside the coaching process. During this session, the specialist talks through the test results and helps the client to understand what the test results mean for him or her.


The 15FQ+ measures the fundamental building blocks of personality. These provide insight into how people typically think, feel and interact in ways that may be either productive or counter-productive for an individual or organisation. The 15FQ+ is supported by an extensive evidence base which backs up its reliability, validity and culture fairness. It provides an in-depth assessment of a person’s strengths and development needs.

Values & Motivations Inventory (VMI)

Understanding a person’s energies and drives helps them to identify where they are likely to gain most satisfaction and make the biggest contribution at work. VMI provides a focused, reliable and comprehensive profile of a person’s values and motivations to determine the amount of energy and effort they are likely to invest in different activities.

Jung Type Indicator (JTI)

The JTI has excellent reliability and validity and is based on the work of Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung, who identified how our preferences influence how we relate to the world and others around us. The JTI assesses personality within Jung’s framework of Psychological Type. In addition to identifying a person’s preferred Type, the JTI uses a scaled approach to each dimension, giving a more detailed description of preference than most Type indicators.


Our prices (excluding VAT) for tests of disposition are:
15FQ+ €270
VMI     €180
JTI       €180

These prices include provision of the test by Psytech via the Gene-sys portal, interpretation of the test results and preparation of an individual written report, plus a 30 minute feedback session with an Exalto disposition testing specialist.

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