Don’t let conflict tear your business apart
Stress, heavy workloads, uncertainty, personality clashes, and differences in personal values and backgrounds are all potential triggers for conflict that can involve team members, managers, customers and suppliers.
Conflict takes a heavy toll not only on the people involved, but on the business itself. The direct fallout includes loss of productivity, increased sick leave, employee turnover, and legal claims, all of which lead to increased costs that damage a business’ bottom line.
The indirect impacts can be just as serious. Managers who lack the skills to deal with conflict end up distracted and exhausted, seriously reducing their effectiveness. The long-term damage to working relationships that usually results from unresolved or poorly handled workplace conflicts can handicap a business for years.
Don’t let workplace conflict tear your business apart.
Book a Complimentary Consultation
with a member of Exalto’s senior leadership team to discuss how we can help leaders in your business to minimise workplace conflict and to manage and resolve it effectively and constructively when it does occur.
Exalto’s Harmony programme is designed to empower leaders to recognise potential sources of workplace conflict and defuse them before they blow up, and to be able to handle unavoidable conflicts confidently and effectively.
The result – lower sick leave costs, higher productivity, reduced employee turnover and risk of employment claims, as well as more positive working relationships.
The heart of the programme is a series of six 1-to-1 coaching sessions for each leader with a qualified, accredited Exalto coach who has particular expertise in the field of workplace conflict management. These sessions are structured using proven coaching and conflict resolution models to empower the leader to deal effectively with workplace conflict.
Online 3-way meetings between the leader, his/her line manager and the coach are used to agree the exact scope and establish a shared vision of success at the start of the programme, to fine tune it at the half-way point, and to evaluate the outcome and agree how to maintain momentum into the future.